About CKA
"CHAMPIONS ARE NOT BORN BUT MADE", Champion Karate Academy is the Home of Champions.
Welcome to Champion Karate Academy USA
Champion Karate Academy(CKA) was started on 14th April 2005 in Irving, Texas, USA by Shihan (Senthil Thiyagarajan) and Jun-Shihan (Ponmalar Senthil). CKA is one of the top most Martial Arts school in DFW metroplex area. CKA is affiliated with Shuko-Kai International Karate-Do and also recognized by USA National Karate-Do Federation.
Misson Statement
Our mission is to make our students more successful in life through their practice of Karate-Do.
Shuko-kai International Five Principles
- The way of respect for oneself and others through the practice of moderation.
- The way of genuine effort towards conquering oneself.
- The way of harmony with oneself and others.
- The way of mutual support.
- The way of cultivation of excellent character.
Dojo Creed
- Humility
- Sincerity
- Respect
- Purity
- Endeavour
- Patience
- Loyalty
Our training, aimed at the 'average' person, include:
- A comprehensive training program.
- Teaching positive attitude.
- Building confidence in one's capabilities.
- Creating awareness.
What can CKA do for you?
- Increase your ability to focus on energy and concentration.
- Improve the control of your mind as you train your body to new depths of ability and understanding.
- Program your mind for success and enhance your zest for life.
- Energize, motivate and encourage you to believe in yourself as never before.
- Provide self-satisfaction and enjoyment as you progress to higher levels of achievement.
- Reinforce your positive, mental attitude every time you train at our dojos.
- Every future decision you make will be based on your self image and self confidence (training at our dojo's can help you to believe in yourself and your abilities.
- We teach you an "art of peace" as a creative mind and body discipline, as well as practical and effective means of handling aggression in defense of oneself, and one's loved ones.